Hi everyone, just getting back to blogging after being rushed off my feet with so many different projects.
It is with great pride I can report that the filming was completed yesterday on my brand new DVD 'Further Adventures in Silver Clay'. It's the perfect follow-up to DVD 1 'Silver Clay Made Simple'. I was so enthusiastic to include as many techniques as possible that poor old Tim Hollingworth (my brilliant camerman) was here until 10pm filming. David was operating camera number 2 in between soothing my troubled brow, setting up the artiness of each scene and making copious cups of tea. We all collapsed in a big, tired heap over pizzas, wine and beer at the end of a very productive day. Thank you so much guys you were brilliant! Last night, as I went off to sleep I was worrying that we hadn't achieved enough, but with the blessing of a really deep sleep, I'm counting off the projects I completed on the DVD and there are 8 in total! So now everyone can learn step-by-step techniques such as painting leaves with silver paste, making a seamless band and wraparound ring, taking moulds and casting them in silver, setting cubic zirconia into wet and dry clay, making finger print keepsakes and decorating with syringe clay. It's all very exiting but my fingers are feeling a bit numb and my joints are aching from rolling, cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing so many different pieces. I'm looking forward to a very welcome day off on Saturday when I shall be putting my feet up and putting aside the silver clay...well just for one day!
I'm so excited to announce to everyone that I'm holding a fabulous Crafting Day on Saturday 12th June at the North Light Gallery, Huddersfield. It's a lovely venue just around the corner from my home and the perfect place to spend a wonderful day making things!
The day will consist of mini workshops run by myself and the very talented Debra Farrell from Magical Creations. You'll be able to attend mini workshops and learn the following skills:
Beautiful Shrink Plastic Jewellery; you'll learn how to make a stained glass-effect butterfly & poppy water colour pendant
The Secrets of Painting on Glass; to create your own customised glass ornaments Amazing Paper Crafting; using cosmic shimmer embossing, stamping, faux cloisonne, fantasy fibre and alchohol inks!
The day will begin at 10:00am and end at 4:00pm, with breaks for tea, coffee and lunch. The cost to attend the day is just £35 which includes all materials, refreshments, lunch and you get to take home all the fabulous things you make. You'll also get the chance to have taster sessions of other crafts such as silver clay jewellery making, beading and resin.
I'm a personal stylist and image consultant and I have a particular passion for jewellery and accessories, which has lead me on a journey to design, create and teach others.